Library Depository Access Policy

Designated as a government depository by the Federal Depository Library Program, Roberts-LaForge Library is legally obligated to provide “no-fee public access in an impartial environment with professional assistance to information produced by the Federal Government.” (Instructions to Depository Libraries, Chapter 1: Federal Depository Status) The library’s clientele includes Delta State University faculty and students, the city of Cleveland, and the larger Delta community.

Physical Access

The bulk of the federal depository collection is in an open-stacks arrangement that is accessible during public service hours. A select number of periodicals are kept in the Serials Department. The microfiche collection is also housed in the Serials Department. All areas with depository resources are ADA compliant.


Extensive reference and retrieval assistance is available. Reference assistance is provided in person, via telephone, e-mail, or fax if necessary. Long distance inquiries may result in the loan or photocopying of depository materials or in extended consultation through e-mail.

Children under the age of 17 must be in the company of an adult at all times; however, no one will be prohibited from using or accessing the government documents collection on account of age. Underage users may see the government documents librarian for assistance.


Most depository materials are circulated. Exceptions include all microfiche, reference materials, old or fragile items, and periodicals housed in the Serials Department.

Interlibrary Loan

Paper documents not designated as reference materials may be loaned or duplicated in response to interlibrary loan requests. Under special circumstances and with the approval of the government documents librarian, certain microfiche or CD items may be loaned as well.

Remote Access

Most depository print and electronic publications from 1998-present are represented in the library’s online catalog, which is accessible via the Internet 24 hours a day. If available online, a link is provided in the catalog. The Government Documents Department also maintains a home page for government information with links to GPO Access, the FDLP Electronic Collection, and several other federal government web sites.

For more information on electronic government sources, please see DSU’s Public Service Guidelines for Government Information in Electronic Formats and its Internet Use Policy for Federal Depository Library Materials.

Roberts-LaForge Library’s government documents page is accessible: here

Please see Circulation of Government Documents policy for more information on the circulation of depository materials.