Contact US

We realize that we have only scratched the surface of Delta State’s history. This is only the current News staffphase of what we hope will be a continually evolving project. Our ultimate purpose is to provide an interesting and informative resource for faculty, students, alumni, and the entire community. Please feel free to utilize the contact information that follows. We look forward to your comments and suggestions.


We encourage you to provide us with feedback. What areas did you enjoy most? What material The Broom staff memberwould you like to see added in the future? Please send your ideas to us by clicking here:

Delta State University Archives and Museum


Do you own items that you would like to see included in this or other exhibits? If so, we welcome you to contact Delta State University‘s Department of Archives. The staff will be happy to discuss any loan or donation of historical materials with you.

Phone: (662) 846-4780