Mississippi Authors · Back to collection home


This collection includes works by writers influenced by the creative ambiance of the Mississippi Delta. Delta State University is fortunate to house this priceless and unique assembly of works, which include winners of the Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, and O’Henry Award.


Prize Stories 1975 The O. Henry Awards, William Abrahams

The Mississippi Valley Flood Disaster of 1927 by the American National Red Cross

New Short Novels edited by Mary Louise Aswell

Blood On The Forge by William Attawayattaway

 Hear America Singing by William Attaway

Let Me Breathe Thunder by William Attaway

Tough Kid by William Attaway

William Alexander Attaway was an African American novelist, short story writer, essayist, songwriter, playwright, and screenwriter. Attaway was born  in Greenville, Mississippi, but at the age of  six moved with his family moved to Chicago, Illinois, as part of the Great Migration.
His first short story, “Tale of the Blackamoor”, was published in 1936. In 1939, Attaway’s first novel, Let Me Breathe Thunder, was published. He then began working on his second and last novel, Blood on the Forge. After Blood on the Forge, Attaway began to write songs, screenplays, and books about music. His main works include Calypso Song Book and Hear America Singing. Attaway and Irving Burgie co-wrote the famous song “Day-O” (Banana Boat Song) . In the 1950s, Attaway became the first African American to write scripts for film and TV.

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The Percys of Mississippi by Lewis Baker

The Measure: A Journal of Poetry by Witter Banner, W.A. Percy, Raymond Holden, and others

Rising Tide by John M. Barry

A History of the Inland River Port by Colonel Miltion P. Barschdorf

Five Chambered Heart by Charles G. Bellberry

The Half Gods by Charles G. Bell

Divorce Boxing, Poems by D.C. Berry

Jawbone by D. C. Berry

Saigon Cemetery by D.C. Berry

The Vietnam Ecclesiastes by D.C. Berry

David Chapman Berry was in Vicksburg, Mississippi, but he grew up in Greenville. He received a B.S. at Delta State College and then served as a medical service officer for three years in Vietnam, where he wrote his first volume of poetry, Saigon Cemetery (1972). After he returned home, he enrolled in graduate work at the University of Tennessee, where he received a Ph.D. in English in 1973. He is now an English professor at the University of Southern Mississippi.

Seventy Septembers by Mary Best

Mules and Mississippi by Patti Carr Black

Life Lessons from the Road to Freedom by Unita Blackwell (loose print form)

Bible Character Study Vol. 1 by Jacob T. Blocker

The Crisis Drug Prohibition edited by David Boaz

The Cyclops Window: a view into Southern Life by Sally Bolding

Echoes of the Southland Book 2 by Ann Bradley and Lawrence A. Sharpe

Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi River by Marion Bragg

Allen H. Godbey by Clarence H. Brandon

An Introduction to the Bible by Clarence H. Brandon

Present Tense by Sharon Brown

Who Needs Hair: The flipside of Chemotherapy by Sallie Astor Burdine

Burrus Family History

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The Angry Scar by Hodding Carter

The Ballad of Catfoot Grimes and Other Verses by Hodding Carter

The Commandos of WWII by Hodding Carter

Doomed Road of Empire by Hodding Carter

Election Bet by Hodding Carter in Best Stories from Liberty

First Person Rural by Hodding Carter

Flood Crest by Hodding Carter

Flushed by Hodding Carter

Gulf Coast Country by Hodding Carter and Anthony Ragusin

John Law Wasn’t So Wrong by Hodding Carter

Lower Mississippi by Hodding Carter

Man and the River by Hodding Carter

The Marquis de Lafayette by Hodding Carter

MS Black Paper by Hodding Carter

The Past as Prelude edited by Hodding Cartercarter

The Reagan Years by Hodding Carter

Robert G. Lee and the Road of Honor by Hodding Carter

So The Heffners Left McComb by Hodding Carter

The South Strikes Back by Hodding Carter

Southern Legacy by Hodding Carter

Stolen Water by Hodding Carter

Their Words Were Bullets by Hodding Carter

Viking Voyage by Hodding Carter

Westward by Hodding Carter

The Winds of Fear by Hodding Carter

Where Main Street Meets the River by Hodding Carter

Wild Places by W. Hodding Carter

Memiors of the Hodding Carter Family

William Hodding Carter II was a prominent Southern U.S. progressive journalist and author. Carter was born in Hammond, Louisiana, the largest community in Tangipahoa Parish, in southeastern Louisiana. In 1939, Carter moved to Greenville, a Mississippi Delta city and the seat of Washington County, where he launched his successful Greenville Delta Democrat-Times, a newspaper later published, by his oldest son William Hodding Carter III and later by his second son Philip Dutartre Carter.He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1946 for his editorials, in particular a series lambasting the ill treatment of Japanese-American  soldiers returning from World War II.He also wrote editorials in the Greenville Delta Democrat-Times regarding social and economic intolerance in the Deep South that won him widespread acclaim and the moniker “Spokesman of the New South”.

The Delta Council by William M. Cash and Daryl Lewis

Call me Caz by James Cazalas

Southern Poets by Harry Hayden Clarie, Gen. Ed.

Australian Adventures: Letters from an Ambassador’s Wife by Anne Clark

 Historic Homes of San Augustine by Anne Clark

Delta Land Photography scanned book by Maude Schuyler Clay

The MS Delta and the World by James C. Cobb

The Fabulous Democrats by David L. Cohn

Combustion on Wheels by David L. Cohn

This is the Story by David L. Cohn

Where I Was Born and Raised by David L. Cohn

Love in America by David L. Cohn

The South by the editors of Look in collaboration with David L. Cohn

Life & Times of King of Cotton by David L. Cohn

The Fabulous Democrats by David L. Cohn

Where I Was Born and Raised by David Cohn

Combustion on Wheels by David L. Cohn

Articles written by David L. Cohn in the following serial issues:Atlantic Monthly, May 1937, v. 159 n. 5

Atlantic Monthly, November 1937, v. 160 n. 5
Atlantic Monthly, August 1939, v. 164 n. 2
Atlantic Monthly, May 1939, v. 163 n. 5
Atlantic Monthly, February 1939, v. 163 n. 2
Atlantic Monthly, July 1938, v. 162 n. 1
Atlantic Monthly, August 1940, v. 166 n. 2
Atlantic Monthly, June 1940, v. 165 n. 6
Atlantic Monthly, May 1940, v. 165 n. 5
Atlantic Monthly, April 1940, v. 165 n. 6
Atlantic Monthly, March 1940, v. 165 n. 3
Atlantic Monthly, January 1940, v. 165 n. 1
Atlantic Monthly, April 1941, v. 167 n. 4
Atlantic Monthly, August 1941, v. 168 n. 2
Atlantic Monthly, December 1939, v. 164 n. 6
Atlantic Monthly, August 1940, v. 166
Atlantic Monthly, October 1940, v. 166 n. 4\
Reader’s Digest, June 1944
Reader’ Digest, November 1940
Reader’ Digest, July 1940
Reader’ Digest, September 1940
Reader’ Digest, May 1940
Reader’ Digest, March 1952
Reader’ Digest, June 1948
Reader’ Digest, January 1948
Reader’ Digest, November 1947
Reader’ Digest, October 1946

Mississippi Portraiture by the National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the state of Mississippi

Jambalaya of Long Ago and Far Away by W.A.Connelly

Caithness House by Louise Henry Cowan

Trapped by Louise Henry Cowan

The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane

American writers by Tom P. Cross, Reed Smith, Elmer C. Stauffer, and Elizabeth Collette

The Face of Fear by Louise Eskrigge Crump

Helen Templeton’s Daughter by Louise Eskrigge Crump

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The Delta Cook Book

The Twentieth Century Cook Book

Through the Crack by Charitta by D. Danley

Deep’n as it Come by Pete Daniel

Prisms of the Soul Writings from a Sisterhood of Faith edited by Marcy Darin

The Mississippi Delta by Cora Matheny Dorsett

Apostles of Light by Ellen Doulas

Black Cloud, White Cloud by Ellen Douglas

Can’t Quit You, Baby by Ellen Douglasdouglas

The Delta Review by Ellen Douglas and Walker Percy

A Family’s Affairs by Ellen Douglas

The Lifetime Burning by Ellen Douglas

A Long Night by Ellen Douglas

The Magic Carpet retold by Ellen Douglas

Truth by Ellen Douglas

The Rock Cried Out by Ellen Douglas

The Southern Quarterly by Ellen Douglas

Witnessing by Ellen Douglas

Where the Dreams Cross by Ellen Douglas

Ellen Douglas was the pen name of Josephine Ayres Haxton, whose first novel, “A Family’s Affairs,” drew praise from critics on its publication in 1962 by Houghton Mifflin. Throughout her career, Ms. Douglas was praised for her unflinching yet sympathetic characterizations, and for her ear for the nuances of Southern speech as it varied across the races and the sexes.Her other novels include “Apostles of Light” (1973), which was a finalist for a National Book Award in 1974.Josephine Chamberlain Ayres was born in Natchez, Miss., and reared in Hope, Ark., and Alexandria, La. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Mississippi, at which she later taught writing for many years.

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Speeding Floods to the Sea by W.E. Elam, M.Am. Soc. C.E.

Scottie’s Story by Ernest D. Elliott, Th.M., D.D.

So Great a Good: A History of the Episcopal Church in Louisiana and of Christ Church Cathedral 1805-1955

Like Some Green Laurel Letters of Margaret Johnson Erwin 1821-1863 by John Seymour Erwin

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An Outline of Four Generations of the Family of Henry Fox and His Wife Sarah Harrell Fox of South Carolina and Mississippi by Shirley Faucette and William D. McCain

Whitetail by David Fey

The Coat I Wore by Lucille Finlay

Grant of Land by Lucile Finlay

Race and the News Media edited by Paul L. Fisher and Ralph L. Lowenstein

Perry’s Dead (and the Juice is Loose) by Victor A. Fleming

Real Lawyers Do Change Their Briefs by Victor A. Fleming

This is Our Story… This is Our Song… First United Methodist Church Greenville, MS

The Civil War Fort Sumter to Perryville by Shelby Foote

The Civil War Fredericksburg to Meridian by Shelby Footepercy

The Civil War Red River to Appomattox by Shelby Foote

Follow Me Down by Shelby Foote

Jordan County by Shelby Foote

Love in a Dry Season by Shelby Foote

September, September by Shelby Foote

Shiloh by Shelby Foote

Three Novels by Shelby Foote

Tournament by Shelby Foote

 Shelby Foote  was born in Greenville, Mississippi, and at the age of fifteen began a a lifelong friendship and literary relationship with Walker Percy. Foote later became an American historian and novelist who wrote The Civil War: A Narrative, a massive, three-volume history of the war. With geographic and cultural roots in the Mississippi Delta, Foote’s life and writing paralleled the radical shift from the agrarian planter system of the Old South to the Civil Rights era of the New South. Foote gained public celebrity status after his appearance in Ken Burns’s PBS documentary The Civil War in 1990.

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Grey Wolf, Grey Sea by E.B. Gasaway

Laws, Practices, and Policies Relative to Religion and Public Higher Education in Mississippi by James Delma Gilbert

Texas: A Literary Portrait by Don Graham

Looking Around Mississippi by Walt Grayson

Looking Around Mississippi Some More by Walt Grayson

Jackson: The Good Life by Walt Grayson

Delta Ice: The Storm of 1994 by Greenville Arts Council

The National geographic Magazine September 1927, Gilbert Grosvenor, Editor

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The Modern Talent by John Edward Hardy

Leader by Robert Hargrove

Alluvial Empire by Robert Harrison

Levee Districts and Levee Building in Mississippi by Robert Harrison

The Strict Economy of Fire by Ava Leavell Haymond

The Fourtune Hunters by Charlotte Hays

The Women’s Quarterly edited by Charlotte Hays

Being Dead is No Excuse by Charlotte Hays and Gayden Metcalfe

Somebody is Going to Die if Lilly Beth Doesn’t Catch that Bouquet by Charlotte Hays and Gayden Metcalfe

Someday You’ll Thank Me For This Charlotte Hays and Gayden Metcalfe

Dances for Flute and Thunder by Brooks Haxton

Dead Reckoning by Brooks Haxton

Dominion by Brooks Haxton

Fragments: The Collected Wisdom of Herclitus translated by Brooks Haxtonhaxton

The Lay of Eleanor and Irene by Brooks Haxton

*Nakedness, Death, and the Number Zero by Brooks Haxton

The Sun at Night Poems by Brooks Haxton

Traveling Company by Brooks Haxton

Uproar by Brooks Haxton

Victor Hugo: Selected Poems translated by Brooks Haxton

Brooks Haxton is the son of fellow Mississippi author Josephine Ayres Haxton, also known as Ellen Douglas. He has received awards, fellowships, and grants of support for original poetry, translation, and script-writing from the NEA, NEH, Guggenheim Foundation, and others. Brooks Haxton also has taught poetry writing and literature courses for thirty years at several schools including Syracuse University, Warren Wilson College, and Sarah Lawrence College.

The Undiscovered Country by Kenneth Haxton

The Early History of the Hebrew Union Congregation of Greenville, MS

The Delta Ministry by Bruce Hilton

Heads And Tails by Malvina Hoffman

Sculpture Inside and Out by Malvina Hoffman

Flyway to Heaven Waterfowl I.D. Book by George Hollowell

This is the South by Robert West Howard

Freedom City by Leon Howell

Lyric South by Hubbard

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Delta Heat by Patricia S. Jackson

The Golden Years by Margaret Moore Jacobs

I Believe by Margaret Moore Jacobs

Abstraction at Work: Drawings by Valerie Johnson 1973-1999

Poems that mean Something by W. A. Johnson

In the Deep Heart’s Core by Michael Johnston

American History edited by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr.

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American Journeys forworded by Bern Keating

Chaka King of the Zulus by Bern Keating

Chopper! By Bern Keating

Famous American Cowboys by Bern Keating

Famous American Explorers by Bern Keating

The Flamboyant Mr. Colt and His Deadly 6-Shooter by Bern Keating

 The Grand Banks by Bern Keating

The Gulf of Mexico by Bern Keating

A History of Washington County, MS by Bern Keatingkeating

The Horse That Won the Civil War by Bern Keating

Inside Passage by Bern Keating

The Invaders of Rome by Bern Keating

The Legend of the Delta Queen by Bern Keating

The Mighty Mississippi by Bern Keating

Mississippi by Bern Keating

Steamboatin’ Log: Ohio and Cumberland Rivers by Bern Keating

Steamboatin’ Log: Lower Mississippi River by Bern Keating

 The Mosquito Fleet by Bern Keating

The North Passage by Bern Keating

Texas Rangers by Bern Keating

Zebulon Pike by Bern Keating

Florida by Bern Keating and Franke Keating

Voyages of the Royal Vikings by Bern Keating and Harvey Lloyd

Bern and Franke Keating were an artistic power couple and literary forces in the Delta. While neither were born in Greenville, after moving there in 1946, they made it their home. Bern became a world photographer and won many awards including a Pulitzer. He has received awards including the West Heritage Foundation Award for Famous American Explorers and the National Graphic Arts Award for Florida. Bern and Franke also received the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters’ Lifetime Achievement Award, an award that had previously only been given to Walker Percy and Eudora Welty.

A Young American Looks at Denmark by Kate Keating

A Young American Looks at France by Kate Keating

A Young American Looks at Italy by Kate Keating

The Kings Daughters Hospital 1894-1994

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The Limits of Hope by Anne Kimble Loux

The Mentally Retarded Child and His Family by Harold D. Love

Exceptional Children in a Modern Society by Harold D. Love

The Mississippi Chinese by James W. Loewen

The Emergence of the Cotton Kingdom in Old Southwest MS, 1770-1860 by James W. Loewen and Charles Sallis

Mississippi Conflict & Change by James W. Loewen and Charles Sallis

Breaking Gentle by Beverly Lowerylowry

Come Back, Lolly Ray by Beverly Lowery

Daddy’s Girl by Beverly Lowery

Emma Blue by Beverly Lowery

The Perfect Sonya by Beverly Lowery

The Track of Real Desires by Beverly Lowery

Beverly Lowry was born in Memphis, Tennessee, but she grew up in Greenville, Mississippi. After a time in New York City acting, Lowry wrote her first novel, Come Back, Lolly Rae, published in 1977, which was followed by Emma Blue in 1978.   Both are set in the Mississippi town of Eunola (thought to be Greenville). Within her career of writing seven novels and numerous other works, Lowry has received awards from the National Endowment of the Arts, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Black Warrior Review, the Texas Institute of Letters, and the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters. She has also served as president of the Texas Institute of Letters and the recipient of the 2007 Richard Wright Literary Excellence Award at the Natchez Literary Festival.

The Black American and the Press by Jack Lyle

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Polar Bear Cubs by Downs Matthews

Untied Masonic Relief Published by The Mason Service Association of the U.S

My Birthright by Eudora Varnell May

Papers of the Washington County Historical Society by McCain and Capers

Arkansas Mischief: The Birth of a National Scandal by Jim McDougal and Curtis Wilkie

Bouquets and Bitters by Julian R. Meade

Over the Hills of My Book House edited by Olive Beaupre Miller

Incident at Ashton by Jay Milner

Fishing on the Gulf Coast by Howard Mitcham

Maya O Maya! By Howard Mitcham

Provincetown Seafood Cookbook by Howard Mitcham

Great Uncle Crosby Smith’s Newly Discovered Testimony to the 1955 Murder of Emmett Till in Mississippi by Steve Mitchell

Valerie Jaudon by Mississippi Museum of Art

Poetry from the Heart by Doyle Misskelley

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Mississippi Politics by Jere Nash and Andy Taggart

The Flaming Turkey by Robert Hitt Neill

The Holy the Ghost has a Funny Bone by Robert Hitt Neill

How to Lose Your Farm in Ten Easy Lessons and Cope with It by Robert Hitt Neill and James R Baugh

The Jakes! by Robert Hitt Neillneill

Mississippi Karo Tales by Robert Hitt Neill

Robert Hitt Neill is a native of the small plantation community of Brownspur, Mississippi and later graduated from Leland High School. After graduating from Ole Miss. Neill served in combat as a Navy Officer during the Vietnam War, then farmed for 20 years after the service, while writing as a hobby. His writing was first published in 1985, and he became a full-time author & speaker two years later. He has published 12 books, 1500+ magazine articles, written a weekly syndicated newspaper column for 25 years, and spoken over 1500 times in 25 states as a professional storyteller. Neill has won dozens of writing awards, and has been nominated three times for the Pulitzer Prize. He has also been President of the Library Board, served as Arts Council Treasurer, and is a Family Reading Bonds Storyteller for the MS Dept. of Humanities.

Rhyme and Reason by Fredricka Nelken

The Delta Ministry: Black Power, Poverty, & Politics in the MS Delta by Gaile Patricia Noble

We Dissent by Hoke Norris

My Dear Nellie: Civil War Letters of William L. Nugent to Eleanor Smith Nugent

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Delta Degameron by Delta Writers by Ellen Orr and Evelyn Allen Hammett

The Potter’s Clay by Jane Taylor Overton

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Out on Egypt Ridge by George Patterson

Three Wars and a Flood: Memoirs of Lt. Gen. A.G. Paxton

The Collected Poems of W.A. Percy 1885-1942

Lanterns on the Levee by William Alexander PercyIn April Once by William Alexander Percy

Of Silence and Stars by W.A. Percywa

Poems of Arthur Oshaughnessy selected and edited by W.A. Percy

Sappho in Levankas and Other Poems by W.A. Percy

Selected Poems W.A. Percy

Sewanee by William Alexander Percy

William Alexander Percy was a lawyer, planter, and poet from Greenville, Mississippi. His autobiography Lanterns on the Levee became a bestseller. From 1925 to 1932, Percy edited the Yale Younger Poets series, the first of its kind in the country. He also published four volumes of poetry with the Yale University Press. A Southern man of letters, Percy befriended many fellow writers, Southern, Northern and European, including William Faulkner. He socialized with Langston Hughes and other people in and about the Harlem Renaissance. Percy also acted as a sort of godfather to the Fugitives at Vanderbilt, John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate and Robert Penn Warren.

Lancelot by Walker Percy

The Last Gentleman by Walker Percy

Lost in the Cosmos by Walker Percy

Love in the Runs by Walker Percy

The Message in the Bottle by Walker Percy

The Moviegoer by Walker Percy

Robert Coles by Walker Percy

The Second Coming by Walker Percywalkerpercy

The Southern Quarterly by Walker Percy

The Thantos Syndrome by Walker Percy

Walker Percy was a Southern author known for his philosophical novels set in and around New Orleans, Louisiana, the first of which, The Moviegoer, won the U.S. National Book Award for Fiction. His work displays a unique combination of existential questioning, Southern sensibility, and deep Catholic faith. Percy also taught and mentored younger writers much like his cousin W.A. Percy. While teaching at Loyola University of New Orleans, he was instrumental in getting John Kennedy Toole’s novel A Confederacy of Dunces published in 1980, more than a decade after Toole’s death, which won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Percy joined along with 21 other noted authors to create the Fellowship of Southern Writers.

The Pleasure of Your Company by Ann Platz and Susan Wales

Social Graces by Ann Platz and Susan Wales

Cotton Culture on Hard Scramble Plantation by D.J. Pledger and D.J. Pledger, Jr

The O. Henry Awards edited by Richard Poirier

An Anthology of MS Writers edited by Noel E. Polk and James R. Scafidel

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Exploring the Bible by Owens R. Rachleff

Ham Biscuits, Hostess Gowns, and Other Southern Specialties by Julia Reed

The House on First Street by Julia Reedreed

Queen of the Turtle Derby by Julia Reed

Julia Reed, besides writing books, is a contributing editor at Newsweek, where she writes the “food and drink” column, and creative director of taigan.com, a retail website where she also edits the site’s “magazine,” Fetch. She also appears regularly on CNN and is a contributor to Garden and GunConde Nast TravelerElleDécorThe New York Times and Vogue. From 1988 to 2008, she was senior writer at Vogue and, today, she is chairman of the board of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans, where she lives.

Belle of the Brawl by Thomas P. Reynolds

Memphis by Nicky Robertshaw

Merival by James Robertshaw

Fatal Stranger by Anne Reed Rooth

The Ninth Car by Anne Reed Rooth

Southern Exposure by Anne Reed Rooth

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The Presidential Questioner by Sally Salmon in C-Span American’s Town Hall

A History of the Mississippi Governor’s Mansion by David Sansing and Carroll Waller

Making Haste Slowly: The Troubled History of Higher Education in Mississippi by David Sansing

Mississippi by David Sansing

Mississippi History Through Four Centuries by David Sansing and John Ray Skates

Natchez: an Illustrated History by David Sansing, Sim Callon, and Carolyn Vance Smith

What was Freedom’s Price edited by David Sansing

Peoples Bank & Trust Co. by David G. Sansing

St. James Church Greenville, MS 1869-1946

Gourmet of the Delta by St. John’s Woman Auxiliary

On the Way Home: Twelve Stories from the Mississippi Delta introduced by Elizabeth Sarcone

Memoirs of A Mississippi Misfit by Jessie Schell in McCall’s

Happy Endings by Jessie Schell in McCall’s March 1979

Sudina by Jessie Schell

On the Beginning of night by Malcolm David Scott

Be Glad… by Ted Shepherd

Be Still… by Ted Shepherd

He Gave by Ted Shepherd

Lantern Light by Ted Shepherd

Observation of an Octogenarian by Ted Shepherd

Shantyboat Preacher by Ted Shepherd

707 South Broadway Greenville, Mississippi 1924-1943 by Ted Shepherd

A History of The Mississippi Supreme Court, 1817-1948 by John Ray Skate, JR

Mississippi: A History by John Ray Skatesskates

The Invasion of Japan by John Ray Skates

Mississippi’s Present and Past by John R. Skates, Jr

John Ray Skates, Jr. was born in Catchings, Mississippi. While pursuing his college degrees in Mississippi, Dr. Skates joined the army reserve and after obtaining the rank of colonel, retired in 1986. Dr. Skates’ teaching career began in the early 1960s and continues to the present. From 1963 to 1966, he served as an instructor and later assistant professor of history at Mississippi State College for Women. In 1966, Dr. Skates and his wife relocated to Hattiesburg, Mississippi where he became assistant professor of history and later chairman of the department at The University of Southern Mississippi in 1969. After stepping down as chairman in 1978, Skates remained at U.S.M. as a professor of history, teaching in the subject areas of Mississippi, recent South, and United States military history.
In 1984, Dr. Skates traveled to Washington, D.C., where he served as historical adviser to the Department of Defense in commemoration of the fortieth anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy. From 1986 to 1988, he was a visiting professor at the Center of Military History in Washington where he completed research on the planned invasion of Japan during World War II. Skates also has served as assistant editor of the Journal of Mississippi History and president of the Mississippi Historical Society.

 Coronet January 1940 by David A. Smart, Publisher

Good Old Days, Arcola School 1947-48 by Emmett Smith

A Symposium on the Place of Discovery of the Mississippi River by Hernando de Soto

The Soul of Southern Cooking by Cathy Starr

Polar Bears by Ian Stirling

The Open Door to Poetry by Anne Stokes

White Trash: An Anthology of Contemporary Southern Poets edited by Nancy Stone and Robert Walters Grey

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Eight Habits of the Heart by Clifton L. Taulbert

The Journey Home by Clifton L. Taulbert

The Last Train North by Clifton L. Taulbert

Little Cliff’s First Day of School by Clifton L. Taulberttaulbert

Little Cliff and the Porch People by Clifton L. Taulbert

Once Upon a Time When We Were Colored by Clifton L. Taulbert

Separate, but Equal by Clifton L. TaulbertWatching Our Crops Come In by Clifton L. Taulbert

Clifton L. Taulbert was born in Glen Allan, Mississippi, a small town in the Mississippi Delta, in 1945. Besides writing, Taulbert has also founded the Building Community Institute, a consulting company focused on human capital development and organizational effectiveness. Since the founding of the company, his philosophy has been embraced by such companies as Lockheed Martin, Bank of America, Baxter Healthcare, Pacific Coast Gas, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and K-12 and post-secondary academic leadership around the world-from China to the Mississippi Delta.
As a Pulitzer-Nominee, he has authored thirteen books, several of which are fundamental to his consulting philosophy: Eight Habits of the Heart and Who Owns the Ice House-Eight Life Lessons from an Unlikely Entrepreneur. Eight Habits has become a foundation to his work on leveraging community as an asset in the workplace, and garnered him an invitation to address members of the United States Supreme Court as a personal guest of former Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O’Connor. Who Owns the Ice House is part of a Kauffman Foundation sponsored education initiative to expose the impact of the entrepreneurial mindset at all levels.

In Search of Self: Life, Death, and Walker Percy by Jerome Taylor

 Down on Parchman Farm: The Great Prison in the Mississippi Delta by William Banks Taylor

A Brief History of the Greenville Foundation and some Conclusions about How the Promise Failed by C. S. Tindall, Jr

Son of a Sea Cook Cookbook by Capt. Kenneth P. Tolliver

The Correspondence of Shelby Foote and Walker Percy edited by Jay Tolson

Shelby Foote and Walker Percy edited by Jay Tolson

G.I.’s View of WWII by Ben Tumey

Lift Every Voice by Dr. Walter Turnbull

Some Wildflower in My Heart by Jamie Langston Turner

Winter Birds by Jamie Langston Turner

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Singing Mississippi edited by Alice Mayes Virden

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Masters of Merigold: 40 years of McCarty Pottery by the University of Mississippi

The Reconstruction of the Racist by Ann Waldron

The Modern Christmas in America by William B. Waits

Washington County: A Pictorial History Vol.1 1998

Washington County Historical Society Programs – 1977, ‘78, ‘79, ‘80, ‘81, ‘82, ‘83, ‘84

Count no’ Count by Ben Wassonwasson

Ben Wasson met William Faulkner at the University of Mississippi, where both were students. Their interest in art and literature drew them together. Later Wasson became Faulkner’s first literary agent, as well as an adviser and sounding board. In New York Wasson edited a Faulkner manuscript into a readable length and it was later published as Sartoris. Also, Wasson helped Faulkner to place The Sound and the Fury with a new York publisher. Their friendship lasted for more than thirty years as their paths crossed and recrossed in New York, Hollywood, and Mississippi.

Bird of Courage by Wade S. Weiman, Jr

East of the Slash by Wade S. Weiman, Jr

Shadows over Sunnyside edited by Jeannie M. Whayne

Savannah Brown by Erma Winfield

Shelby Foote by Helen White and Redding Sugg

Diary of Amanda Worthington

A Vanishing America by Holt Richard Winston

My Dining Generation by Margaret B. Wynn

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The Oxygen Man by Steve Yarbroughyarbrough

Veneer by Steve Yarbrough

Visible Spirits by Steve Yarbrough

Steve Yarbrough, born in Indianola, Mississippi, is a novelist and short story writer. Writing largely within the Southern tradition, he draws his themes and characters from Southern history and more in ways that have been compared to Flannery O’Connor, William Faulkner, and Willie Morris. His honors include the Mississippi Authors Award, the California Book Award, and an award from the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters. His novel, Prisoners of War, was a finalist for the 2005 PEN/Faulkner award. He has also won the 2010 Richard Wright Award for Literary Excellence.  Yarbrough is currently a professor in the Department of Writing, Literature and Publishing at Emerson College in Boston.

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This page is just a small component of sub-series IV (Material Collections) of the McCormick collection. To view the collection in its entirety please visit Delta State University Archives and Museum in Cleveland, Mississippi or for more information please contact the Delta State Archives at 662.846.4780