This collection contains images and items that pertain to Greenville, Mississippi and the Mississippi Delta.
W. Faulkner’s the Old Man RiverFolder:
Reprints of 1927 Flood
I’ll never leave my town by Hodding Carter
- Baby Doll and When We Were Colored ads
- Clipping on John Lambrakis, September 1957
- Hugh McCormick’s study of bookselling diploma, 1974
Community Citation, 1966
Clean and Green Award, 2007
- Signed Willie Foster’s photograph
Jazz singers/Blues singers stamps
- Early Greenville Postcards
- Early Greenville Postcards
- Scans of older Greenville
- Scanned photos of 1902 Greenville Buildings (identified)
- 39th Anniversary identified scanned photos of Greenville
- Life in Greenville, MS scans
- Lake Washington/ Glen Allen Scans
- 2000s’ publishing’s
Box: Store Photos
- 8 Nathan House Prints
- 2 author photos
- Scan of a Car Tag ad, 1927
- Church Interior Photographs
- Reprints- Greenville Schools
- Military Social Photo Reprints
- Brodie Crump, Shelby Foote, and Wasson Photos
- Large Framed Photos from Walls
- Assortment of reprints of early Greenville life
- Artwork, 1990s, 2000s
This page is just a small component of sub-series IV (Material Collections) of the McCormick collection. To view the collection in its entirety please visit Delta State University Archives and Museum in Cleveland, Mississippi or for more information please contact the Delta State Archives at 662.846.4780