Student Organization Update Form

This is the form that student life uses to track active organizations. To remain in compliance with university policy, please complete this form by September 1st in the Fall semester and February 1st in the Spring semester. If a portion is not applicable to your organization and it is listed as required, please type N/A in the text box.

At the end of what semester do you transition new officers?

President's Name(Required)
President's ON-Campus DSU Email(Required)

Campus Advisor's Name(Required)
Is this advisor an employee of DSU?
Campus Advisor's Email (DSU email if applicable)(Required)
Co-Advisor's Name
Co-Advisor's Email

Second Officer's Name(Required)
Second Officer's DSU Email(Required)

Third Officer's Name
Third Officer's DSU Email

Fourth Officer's Name
Fourth Officer's DSU Email

Fifth Officer's Name
Fifth Officer's DSU Email