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In the Printmaking concentration students learn the printing processes of relief, silkscreen, lithography and intaglio translating hand drawn and digital imagery into printed multiples. Our sequential courses introduce advancing techniques while students develop problem solving skills, visual awareness, personal imagery and conceptual intent within their artistic practice. Experimental approaches are encouraged by combining print media, creating two or three dimensional works and interdisciplinary projects. Fiber Design courses support materials research from papermaking, book arts, textile and surface design. Professional development within the area includes preparation for exhibitions and documentation of 2D work. Printmaking events are held to fundraise for student travel to the Mid America Print Council and Southern Graphics Council International Conferences.

What You Will Learn:

Students in our Printmaking concentration specialize in these areas: 

Printing Processes and Material Exploration

Students expand upon mark making, color theory, printing and the multiple using safe material practices. 

Professional Development

In the program, students learn to prepare their work to participate in national and international print portfolios, group exhibitions and conferences, including Mid America Print Council and Southern Graphics Council International. 

Intersection of media 

Courses in studio arts, graphic design, or digital media provide students the opportunity to combine their areas of interest with printmaking to grow their interdisciplinary practice. 

Where Could This Take You?

  • Continued studies at graduate school 
  • As a professional artist, develop your own printing studio or work in a community printshop 
  • Residencies, gallery exhibitions, art fairs and expositions 
  • Career in fine art printmaking, printing commercially, arts educator, studio arts technician, working as a collaborative printer, or other entrepreneurial endeavors. 

Undergraduate Course Fees

$25 per credit hour fee will be applied to all studio art courses to provide essential technology resources, class materials, equipment upkeep, and support for visiting artists and lecturers across all concentrations.


General Education38
University Requirement Seminar1
Art Core42
Art Studio Elective12

Students entering the Art Department will be required to pass a portfolio review before advancing into upper level courses.


Robyn Wall, Assistant Professor of Art