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Video Recap of Spring for Success 2019 Projects and Announcing Spring for Success 2020 Projects


Watch this new recap video that follows the microgrant money that was raised at Delta State University’s inaugural Spring for Success online giving day on March 20, 2019.

That’s when three projects set about raising $2,500 apiece in 24 hours for worthy campus causes: replacing the Statesman mascot suit, bulletproof vests for university police officers, and equipment for a Virtual Dementia® Tour. Each project that met the goal would receive an additional $2,500 from the DSU Foundation. All projects did. The project that raised the most money earned an additional $1,000—for a grand total of $6,000—in this case, to replace the Statesman mascot suit. Additional money raised went to the General Scholarship Fund.

The second annual Spring for Success online giving day will take place on March 19, 2020. The same goals and rules apply for these microgrants.

Here are the three projects chosen for sponsorship this year. A committee comprised of the Institutional Advancement team, Communications and Marketing, faculty, and staff selected them.

  • Delta State Electronic Music Ensemble. Purchasing MIDI controllers and related equipment to start a quartet. Project champion Dr. Josh Armstrong, associate professor of music.
  • Make Physiology Happen! Purchasing another iWorx data acquisition system that allows for hands-on approach to teaching/learning physiology. Project champion, Severine Groh, associate professor of biology.
  • OkraSuits—Career Closet. Purchasing additional clothing, seating, storage, and related needs for DSU’s professional clothes closet that’s supplied through donations and that’s offered to students and alumni for free for interviews, conferences, and the like. Project champions: Nakikke Wallace Johnson, director, and Myles Lofland, Career Services.

Stay tuned for logos and videos for each project and for updates to the Spring for Success 2020 webpage.