Tech Savvy – Call for Volunteers
Zoomtech Zoom meeting 3/7/23: 1:30-6:30pm Need volunteers to assist with the Tech Savvy Conference on Friday, March 24, 2023. Location: H. L. Nowell Student Union, State Room. Time: 8:00...
tech Zoom meeting 3/7/23: 1:30-6:30pm Need volunteers to assist with the Tech Savvy Conference on Friday, March 24, 2023. Location: H. L. Nowell Student Union, State Room. Time: 8:00...
citation Open to all DSU students. Join the zoom session on the Chicago citation method by registering at
Need volunteers to assist with the Tech Savvy Conference on Friday, March 24, 2023. Location: H. L. Nowell Student Union, State Room. Time: 8:00 AM - 2: 30 PM. See...
fac Training session for DSU faculty on Turn-It-In plagiarism detection software.