Canterbury Campus Ministry Meeting

Calvary Episcopal Church

Please join us for a home-cooked meal and a devotion or evening prayer on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm. Calvary Episcopal Church is located at 107 South Victoria Avenue Cleveland, MS...

Canterbury Luncheon

H.L. Nowell Student Union, 2nd Floor East Lobby

Ashes to Go

H.L. Nowell Student Union, 1st Floor Lobby

Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence. From the Middle Ages it became the custom to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross. The...

Canterbury Campus Ministry Luncheon

H.L. Nowell Student Union, 2nd Floor East Lobby

Canterbury Campus Ministry is sponsored by the Calvary Episcopal Church. Calvary Episcopal Church 107 South Victoria Avenue Cleveland, MS 38732. For additional information contact Jondelyn Catlette.

Canterbury Campus Ministry Luncheon

H.L. Nowell Student Union, 2nd Floor East Lobby

Canterbury Campus Ministry is sponsored by the Calvary Episcopal Church. Calvary Episcopal Church 107 South Victoria Avenue Cleveland, MS 38732. For additional information contact Jondelyn Catlette.