Phi Lambda Upsilon Initiation Ceremony

Caylor 201

The aims and purposes of Phi Lambda Upsilon are the promotion of high scholarship and original investigation in all branches of pure and applied chemistry. Phi Lambda Upsilon was founded...

Planetarium Show

Wiley Planetarium

Stars of the Pharaohs Travel to ancient Egypt to see how science was used to tell time, make a workable calendar, and align huge buildings. You’ll learn about the connection...

Planetarium Show

Wiley Planetarium

We Are Stars (3D Show) Where did it all come from? From the Big Bang to the theory of evolution, come learn science’s current understanding of how everything in the...

Planetarium Show

Wiley Planetarium

Two Small Pieces of Glass Galileo’s telescopic observations began a revolution, transforming our views of the cosmos and our place within. It is a revolution which, four hundred years later,...

Planetarium Show

Wiley Planetarium

Two Small Pieces of Glass Galileo’s telescopic observations began a revolution, transforming our views of the cosmos and our place within. It is a revolution which, four hundred years later,...