Faculty research & publication workshop

Baioni Conference Center

The purpose of the event is to hold a series of workshop, helping faculty members at DSU publishing on peer-reviewed academic journals.


Bologna Performing Arts Center (BPAC)

STOMP is explosive, inventive, provocative, witty, and utterly unique—an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages. The international percussion sensation has garnered armfuls of awards and rave reviews and has...

Ashes to Go

1st Floor Lobby, Student Union

html, body {margin:0;padding:0;height:100%;-ms-content-zooming:none;}label {margin:0;padding:0;height:100%;display:block;overflow:auto;-ms-content-zooming:zoom;-ms-content-zoom-limit-min:10%;-ms-content-zoom-limit-max:500%;-ms-content-zoom-chaining:none;}img {display:block;max-width:100%;max-height:100%;cursor:zoom-in; }input {display:none;}input:checked + label > img {max-width:none;max-height:none;cursor:zoom-out;} Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence. From the Middle Ages it became the custom to begin Lent...