J.R. Baird Collection
Transcribed by: Wanda Ray
Transcription Date: 2.9.2006
At Home
Dec. 10, 1865
Miss Nannie:
My friend, my all.
Often during my varied life I have thought I knew what pleasure was, but until allowed the happy privilege of thinking so fondly of you, it never came in its true form. My confidence is so unlimited, that every anxious thought, feeling, or action trial of trouble of my passed existence, seems lost or forgotten in this fever of delight, feasting as I am upon your precious promise to be mine. Never until now have I been so exceeding happy, even my old cabin home, has a prospective charm, before unknown. Now too has nature given me new energy to strive for your pleasure and a greater determination to hew my rough nature congenial with yours which my heart holds dearest of all earth’s objects. Now my star of hope is shining, never to be darkened unless you choose to cloud it.
All Earth cannot change me,
Since the promise I have given;
And you along can save me,
Or sink me short of Heaven.
I realize already that life is much dearer and can easily imagine the complete happiness of having one sincere heart, ever willing to share my pleasures or misfortunes.
Before I forget it, I’m so deeply selfish in lavishing all my thought upon you; be sure, without fail to remember me affectionately to the family every time. From my little more than usual quiet and seriousness, they begin to insinuate my contemplating a change of parents entirely. I cannot say that this data is altogether just, but I shall never forget those who have conferred so much. I was much pleased with your mothers easy flow, telling me in a few words what I was undertaking; then closing with an expression of your will and worthiness as a helpmate. This you well know was sweeter to me than honey, consequently I loved her as she spoke. The Doctor said more than I can well appropriate to myself, tho I’m glad to have his confidence and trust that no act of mine will ever lessen it. The exquisite thrill of his hand in mine, told how dear you were to him and bound me by a life long obligation to repay the priceless favor with love and affection for his sweet “little Darling.”
Write me fully, don’t reserve anything from Rupert, he is real. When will a consummation of our affairs suit your wish and convenience? Tis all left to your pleasure and remember you said you would always consider mine. I’m sadly opposed to long
Page Two Dec. 10, 1865
engagements, they are simply attempts to choke unsophisticated love and often they succeed- tho’ I really believe t’would take it a siege to get the better of mine.
Good bye – may Angels guard you-
With all the honesty and simplicity of my soul.
I am yours entirely
This will leave my on my route to C. for the purpose, (after seeing sister Kittie) of employing hands. If I succeed this trip will not let me visit Brandon, as I’ll have to guide them through our dismal Swamp to “Beauty’s Retreat.” Otherwise my programme may be changed.
I will not leave Columbus before the 18th (word?).
Try please and send me a word then. It is impossible for me to say now where I can come, but a very short time I hope. Excuse me, I have rushed thro’ this and it looks badly.