This collection contains items pertaining to Greenville history.
Box 1: Greenville History
Framed Dollar from the Boeing Military Airplane Company
1. Commercial Appeal , May, 1940 with personal note from Jean Kirkland
Papers of A.G. Wineman and Sons of Greenville, 1909
2. Greenville Metal Car tag
Greenville, MS- Port City of the Delta Metal sign
3. Scan of tourism AD for the Metropolis of the Delta, Greenville
Photo of opening of Henderson & Baird Hardware, 1963
Ground Breaking of Boy’s Club, 11/4/1980
“The Depression is over in the Delta” photo- Sauer Studio, 1935
4. Man standing in front of horses photo
Photo of mule farming
Stein Mart Ad
5. Holcombe Drug Company Calendar, 1916
The Mississippi Flood Song, 1927
The 39th Anniversary Edition Greenville Times
78th Commencement Program, 1969
Program for Graduates, ?
Newspaper Clippings of promotions in the First National Bank
Table of Reciprocals Book
Business Education Department , Greenville High School photos, 1966-67
Scan of photo of Greenville High School of 1936
Scan of photo of Greenville High School Commencement, 1894
Scan of class photo, 1918
Scan of Mrs. Gertrude Kirschner’s Class program
Scan of Greenville Military Academy Building
Scan of G.M.A. Commencement Program, 1928
Scans of Amanda Worthington
Paepcke-Leicht Lumber Co., 1905 Scans
Seven scans of Greenville during the 1927 flood
Scanned photo of Grand Lodge members in 1897
Photograph of frozen tree during the 1994 Ice Storm
Article in the Southern journal on Greenville’s Legendary Water
Photograph of a barge on the Mississippi River
Flyer from the Greenville Water Ski Tournament, August 24, 1963
Scanned photograph of mother and son
Flyer of Leonard Bernstein
Photographs of cotton harvest at the Hopson Plantation in Clarksdale
Compiled Greenville Background (1990s data)
Greenville Bluesmen Baseball League information (2000s)
1990s Miscellaneous History
Brief history, Steamboat stops, River info
Odds and Ends items
Box 1:
Music Scroll in a box
Pathe News Mississippi Flood Disaster
Hootie by Holdom (ceramic owl)
Mason Jar: Walter Hart, Type A, Carpet Wool Blend
“The story of the Mighty Mississippi” record
Joe Hoover’s Mississippi Flood Song book
Box 2:
Fred Neyman Silver Bowl
Barq Beverage Company fan
C. E. Jordan & Co. Fan
Riverside Poster Advertising Co. Ruler
Box 3:
1. Late 1890s personal notebook
Farmer’s ledger, 1906
2. Alvin Anderson’s Personal Notebooks
Chemistry I, 1920
English, 1909
3. Plate Block thoughts and comments appearing in Lynn’s weekly stamp news
Fountain Dawson’s Scrapbook, 1980
News clippings of Shelby Foote
Book Inn
News clippings on McCormick Book Inn
Guest book from the opening 1965
Walker Percy News clippings
News clippings on Eudora Welty
Willa Johnson’s scans and photos
Quackenbos Report
Literary Articles
Scan of the Keatings
Shelby Foote’s Gone Flyer
Photo by Ted Shepherd
Scan of David Cohn
Neshoba County Fair “Rango” box – book advertisement
Box 4:
1. Tourism Pamphlets
2. Photographs by Hugh
Lundy Jefferson DSTC ID card, 1947
Mississippi State College for Women Commencement Program, 1947
Photo of Bill and Dot Taggart’s Party
Photo of Judge William Keady
Junior Cotillion Invitation List
3. Summer Hollyhocks Cards by Nina Bologna Newton
William Alexander Percy clipping
Articles on Bill Lester
Photo of Ellen Douglas
Book Cover of “Truth”
Pamphlet on Shelby Foote’s the Civil War
Press Photo of Ellen Douglas
Pieces of History of the Greenville Chapter International Order of King’s Daughters and Son
Clipping on Willie Morris
Greenville Indian Banner
4. Personal notebook of Ruth La Fon Stillions, 1941
Delta Devotional Hours, First Baptist Church Radio Messages
Farrar Straus Giroux, Spring/Sumer 1983
Good pastures Leave Overton County Via Steamboat by Ridley Good pasture
The National Society Colonial Dames Mississippi Society Yearbook, 1967-1969
Aleph-Bet Books
Young Delta, 1972 (3)
Inscripius, MSU Student Literary Magazine, May 1969
University of Mississippi Commencement Day, 1931
A History of the Arcola Methodist Church, 1854-1968
Colorful Moments from Mississippi’s History by Junior Food Stores, INC
Greenville Sportsmen Semi-Pro Baseball, 1976
Reflections 1989
Washington County Drainage Bulletin, 1918, 1919, 1920
75th Anniversary of First National Bank of Biloxi
Annual Report of Department of Archives and History, 1985-86
Greenville Symphony League, Over the Rainbow, 1984
Mainstream Mississippi, 1981
Mississippi Business Journal, 2009
Delta Business Journal, 2008
The Saturday Evening Post, 1912
Life Magazine, February 1937
Congressional Digest, February 1928
Popular Science Monthly, June 1928
Miss Gardener, 1977, 1976
The Journal of the Bolivar County Historical Society, March 1983
Historical Highlights of the United States Army Corps of Engineers
Record’s Digest, September 1870
History of the Mississippi State Association of the Improved, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World, 1926-1973
Parchman Prison 1970 Rodeo, October
At Pen Point, Moorhead
Four Bank Bags
The Debutante’s Register, 1952-1953
Clean and Green Award, 2007
5. Signed Willie Foster’s photograph
Jazz singers/Blues singers stamps
Early Greenville Postcards
Early Greenville Postcards
Scans of older Greenville
Scanned photos of 1902 Greenville Buildings (identified)
39th Anniversary identified scanned photos of Greenville
Life in Greenville, MS scans
Lake Washington/ Glen Allen Scans
2000s’ publishing’s
Box: Records and other items
2 Youth M size t-shirts advertising The Delta Italians by Paul Canonici
Twine from Greenville Mills
16 bank bags from various Greenville Banks
Scanned photo of young William Alexander Percy
Lancelot, a novel by Walker Percy
New York Times Magazine on the Other Carters, 1977
Record: Negro Prison Songs by the Mississippi State Penitentiary
Record: Baby Doll Soundtrack
Record: Johnny Winter Album
Record: Delta Blues Festival ’79
Record: James “Son” Thomas, Highway 61 Blues
Record: Sonny Boy Nelson, Police Mississippi Blues
Record: James Son Thomas, Gateway to the Delta
Box: Garden Club, Local Greenville News, Mississippi, Literary Authors, Artists, Articles, and Advertisements
Notepad with Mississippi Authors details
Clipping on Autograph parties at McCormick Book Inn, Josephine Haxton, Bern and Franke Keating
“Work on the Book of Greenville” article, 8/12/1920
Article on Carrie Levy Moyse, sister of Leopold Levy, 8/15/1948
Brodie Crump section on George Pearce, Australia, and Barnum Bailey Circus, 1/21/1957
Weekly Democrat Page, 4/29/1920
Essay written for Southern Magazine- “Men, Boys, Bourban, and Time” by Beverly …
Ben Wasson article on poem on W.A. Percy’s Knight, 1/2/1977
Brodie Crumn’s article on W.A. Percy helping Prize-fighter, 1/21/1953
Photo of students studying Percy’s Knight
Article on Percy’s Knight “Patriot,” 1/15/1971
The Time has come articles on W.A. Percy and the “Patriot”
Ben Wasson’s Window of Literary giants, 6/29/1969
Articles on Malvina Hoffman
Critic’s page on Louse Crump’s novel Face of Fear, 5/2/1954
Article on the Tale of the Lunch Lady and the uneaten rolls by Robert St. John, 9/10/2005
Howard Bahr on Lanterns on the Levee
Article about Eudora Welty visiting Greenville, 10/10/1948
Articles and photos of Matsy Wynn Richards, “Ye Olde Barn Studio
“The African King” cards by Kathryn Phillips
Cooling the South signing by Elli Morris
Marian Sykes Alexander’s quote on the Duke of Zardano
Ruins of Windsor Postcard
Card of Robinson: Pleasant History of an Unusual Cat by Walter Anderson
Article on Mamie Foote Ketter book signing, 11/28/2003
Postcard ad for Seasoned to Taste by Ginger King Birnbaum
Postcard ad for Euphus Ruth’s “From Helena to Hollandale” exhibit
12 Pamphlets of Mississippi Delta Literary tour
Postcard Ad for Bern & Franke Keating Gallery Reception, 10/6/2000
The Time has come bookmarks (2), 4/29/2010
“Somebody stole the cornbread from my dressing” article and postcard
U.S. Hwy 82 Mississippi River Bridge fan, 7/26/2010
3 packets of Mississippi postcards
Stanton Hall postcard
(5) Postcards announcing Ellen Douglas Room at the Eudora Welty Library
Newspaper of Walt Grayson signing at McCormick Book Inn, 11/23/2010
Newspaper of “Bread of Life” Cookbook, 6/17/1998
Clipping of Ad announcing Steve Yarborough novel signing
Appreciation article on Shelby Foote, voice of the South in Newsweek, 7/11/2005
The New York Times Book Review, 7/29/2007
Elmore & Son Photography Ad, 11/24/1898
Arcadia Electric Studio Ad, 11/9/1908
Gish by Bell Studio, 1911
J.C. Coovert Photographer, late 1890s
Barner Photo Co. Ad, 11/6/1902
Article on Photographer John Ashcraft, Jr. in Leflore Illustrated 2007-2008
C. G Bell Photographer Ad (3)
Wilkerson Drug Co. Ad, 1900
France Studio Ad., 10/22/1930
This is the Most Fascinating Spot on Earth book Ad, 9/21/1905
Bradley’s Studio Ad, 12/22/1909
Carter’s Book Store Ad, 12/15/1898
Delta Bakery Ad, 10/27/1911
Greenville Bakery Ad, 1/22/1876
Goode’s C.O.D Store Ad, 10/26/1911
Sievers Greenville Bakery Ad, 10/26/1911
Article on City Sculpture Exhibit in Jackson, 10/6/1966
Obituary for Adrian Blocker, 7/1/1966
Articles on Abraham Murder, 1966
Articles on Bill Beckwith and Leon Koury, sculptures, 1975
Washington County Protestant Committee opposed to the Ku Klux Klan
Swan Lake Hunting Club Charter and By Laws, 1953
Greenville’s Literary Heritage, Levee Press Article
Greenville Garden Club, 1956-57
Leland Garden Club, 1949-50
Garden Gossip, 11/9/1935
Greenville Garden Club Yearbooks
Phi Gamma Delta Catalogue, 1878
Notices from the Greenville Times, 1897
(6) Clipping on No Compromise attitude of police concerning the demonstration in Greenville
Harper’s Weekly, 5/4/1861
Daily Democrat, 5/9/1911, P.O.E. Parade, Juarez attack
Walter Johnson visit (First Flight), Weekly Democrat 5/4/1911
History of Greenville’s Bridge, Delta Democrat Times, 9/15/1940
Lake Ferguson Articles
Rattlesnake Bayou Article, 10/12/1958
Martin Marble Library articles, 3/2/1938-1964
King’s Daughters Hospital articles, 1901-1905
Articles on Greenville Local News, 1888-1910
Scan of Greenville Masonic Temple
Greenville Fire Department Earthquake Preparation Instructions
Photo of young girl
Print by Melanie Turbe, 2005
Welcome to Oxford, MS Historical Tour Pamphlet
Photo of Bogue
Drawing of smallmouth bass
2 photos by Workman
3 scans of (drawn) Arial shots in Greenville
Photo of Greenway Park Pavilion
2 photos of Sanitarium, 1925
5 scans of Greenville Buildings postcards
Wayside House clipping
Article on Holt Collier, 9/29/1996
Scanned photo of Holt Collier
Scanned photo taken in 1912 Flood
Scanned photo of Forest Home
(4) Believe in Greenville Stickers
Mississippi School Bulletin Directory, 1951-52
Mississippi School Bulletin Directory, 1952-53
(2) St. Joe Letterman patches
(3) Vote Hank Burdine Cards
Benjamin Moore Store Photo, 12/13/2008
Program for St. Joseph Jr. High’s “Mississippi Melody”
First United Methodist Church Directory and Program book, 2002
First Baptist Church Yearbook
Greenville, MS Telephone Directory, July 1947
A Dairy from a Planter’s family in Greenville, MS, 1884-1897
This page is just a small component of sub-series IV (Material Collections) of the McCormick collection. To view the collection in its entirety please visit Delta State University Archives and Museum in Cleveland, Mississippi or for more information please contact the Delta State Archives at 662.846.4780