Delta State University has selected “Ask the Okra: A Campus Concierge” as the new Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). The goal of this initiative is to improve the retention of full-time first-time freshmen and transfer students by providing a virtual campus concierge service that simplifies access to student services. It is grounded in the principles of respect, student focus, and effectiveness and has been developed over a two-year period with input from faculty, staff, and students.
Ask The Okra aims to enhance student success by providing a single-source platform that connects all students with resources relevant to their success at DSU. These resources include information on academic programs, financial aid, counseling services, academic support, registration procedures, and career services, among others. The overall goal of the QEP is to motivate students to ask for and receive the resources they need to be successful.
The QEP will be assessed through ongoing reviews of its implementation and performance outcomes to ensure its effectiveness in enhancing student autonomy, academic achievement, and community engagement.

Ask the Okra – Coming Soon
The Okra must be trained to answer questions! We need your opinion about how to make Ask the Okra successful. Please answer three questions about the roll-out of the QEP at the link below. Thank you for your participation!
Current Events
Frequently Asked Questions
What is SACSCOC?
SACSCOC stands for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It is the primary accrediting body for educational institutions in the southern United States and Latin America. Every ten years, educational institutions must reaffirm their accreditation status. DSU will go up for reaffirmation again in 2024.
Accreditation ensures that DSU:
- Has a mission appropriate to higher education.
- Has resources and programs that adhere to the stated mission.
- Maintains educational objectives that are consistent with its mission and appropriate to the degrees it offers.
- Adheres to standards of quality, effectiveness, and integrity.
What is the QEP?
The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is essentially a required action plan that:
- Focuses on some aspect of enhancing student learning.
- Addresses a well-defined and focused topic.
- Creates an environment that supports the mission of the university.
- Becomes embedded in the institution’s long-term planning and evaluation.
What is DSU’s QEP for 2024?
Delta State has selected “Ask the Okra”, as the next QEP. When the plan is finalized in 2024, the university will have developed, implemented, and promoted a single-source virtual campus concierge that will connect students with the resources they need to thrive at Delta State University and graduate on time. For more information on this topic, please review the QEP executive summary and up-to-date minutes. As the university’s QEP Team continues its work, more information will be added to this site.
What are the steps to creating a successful QEP?
SACSCOC has identified nine steps to creating a QEP:
- Select a Topic
- Research the Topic
- Define Student Learning Outcomes
- Identify Actions to be Implemented
- Establish a Timeline for Implementation
- Organize for Success
- Identify All Necessary Resources
- Create an Assessment Plan
How can I be a part of the QEP?
We want your input! The entire DSU family (faculty, staff, students, alumni) is welcome and encouraged to get involved. If you are interested in becoming a member of the QEP Team, please contact Tanya McKinney by phone at 846-42444, or by email at tmckinney@deltastate.edu. If you would just like to voice your opinion, please send your feedback to qep@deltastate.edu.
Where can I access more information?
Always check the QEP website for the most up-to-date information on the QEP. However, here are some useful links for more information on the QEP and SACSCOC.
- SACSCOC’ Principles of Accreditation
- Handbook for Institutions Seeking Reaffirmation (information specific to the QEP begins on page 39)
QEP Committee
- Nicholas Bobo, Undergraduate Student
Division of Counselor Education & Psychology - Elizabeth Branton, Assistant Director
Student Life - Mikhail Collins, Director
Student Business Services - Kevin Davis, Comptroller
University Accounting - Demyia Graham, Graduate Student
Division of Counselor Education & Psychology - Dr. Severine Groh, Faculty
Division of Mathematics & Sciences - Faderricka B. Harvey, Research & Information Assistant
Institutional, Research, Effectiveness, and Planning - Amber Hays, Administrative Assistant
Associate Vice President of Finance & Administration - Kentaro Johnson, Alumnus
- Christina Knight, Coordinator
Student Affairs - Kristen Land, Director
Student Success Center
- Chrisa Mansell, Director
Institutional, Research, Effectiveness, and Planning - Dr. Tanya McKinney, Faculty
Division of Mathematics & Sciences - Laurie Muffley, Faculty
Roberts-LaForge Library - Anjanette Powers, Faculty
Division of Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research - Dr. Christy Riddle, Chief Marketing Officer
Communication & Marketing - Britnee Smith, Faculty
Division of Health, Physical Education, & Recreation - Dr. Megan Smith, Director
Financial Aid - Dr. Zinaida Taran, Faculty
Division of Management, Marketing, and General Business - Dr. Valarie Morgan, Division of Languages & Literature
English Education Program Coordinator & Assistant Professor - Dr. Jon Westfall, Faculty
Division of Counselor Education and Psychology
QEP Sub-Committees
Information Curation
- Elizabeth Branton, Assistant Director
Student Life - Amber Hays, Administrative Assistant
Associate Vice President of Finance & Administration - Christina Knight, Coordinator
Student Affairs - Laurie Muffley, Faculty
Roberts-LaForge Library - Dr. Zinaida Taran, Faculty
Division of Management, Marketing, and General Business
- Faderricka B. Harvey, Research & Information Assistant
Institutional, Research, Effectiveness, and Planning - Britnee Smith, Faculty
Division of Health, Physical Education, & Recreation
- Chrisa Mansell, Director
Institutional, Research, Effectiveness, and Planning - Dr. Jon Westfall, Faculty
Division of Counselor Education and Psychology
Delta State University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, masters, educational specialist, and doctorate degrees. Delta State University also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Delta State University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (www.sacscoc.org).
Whereas the Compliance Certification Report provides a snapshot of past and present practices at the University, the Quality Enhancement Plan points to the future. SACSCOC spells out the following expectations for an acceptable QEP:
The institution has a Quality Enhancement Plan that (a) has a topic identified through its ongoing, comprehensive planning and evaluation processes; (b) has broad-based support of institutional constituencies; (c) focuses on improving specific student learning outcomes and/or student success; (d) commits resources to initiate, implement, and complete the QEP; and (e) includes a plan to assess achievement.
(Quality Enhancement Plan)
For questions about the SACSCOC accreditation process, please contact:
Dr. Valarie Morgan
SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison
English Education Program Coordinator & Assistant Professor
Delta State University