Welcome and thank you for your interest in Safe Spaces!
The mission of the Safe Space program is to ensure that Delta State University becomes a more inclusive place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) people by fostering a supportive learning and working environment. Our mission that guides our training sessions for staff, faculty, and students looks to further the similar mission and goals of the LGBTQ Fund of Mississippi to provide an environment where all LGBTQ Mississippians can live openly, safely, and without the fear of prejudice, discrimination, and isolation. Our program is a two-hour training session for faculty, staff, and students focused on educating participants on gender and sexual identity, homophobia, heterosexism, and how they can provide support and work toward being an ally for the LGBTQ community. We believe that by providing our faculty, staff, and students with education and awareness of LGBTQ experiences we can create a more inclusive and accepting space at Delta State and let our students who are LGBTQ feel seen and embraced as part of the Delta State family.
The Safe Space program at Delta State’s primary purpose is to provide education of LGBTQ identities, experiences, and ways to show support to change the culture of Delta State University to be more open, affirming, knowledgeable, and accepting of our LGBTQ students