Effective July 1, 2016
Events that are year-long (e.g. school professional development, special events, etc.) for which districts are wanting to provide CEU credit, the district must submit their credit packets per semester, versus per year.
For example, if your PLC group meets every month for a few hours, and you want those group members to receive CEU credit, you will have to submit those sign-in sheets, CEU applications, and evaluation forms at the end of December for August – December meetings and then again at the end of June for January – June meetings. For these kinds of year-long sessions, said CEU credit will be issued per semester (December and June).
The only exception to the above policy is any session dealing with LETRS Phase III.
For districts that participate in professional development throughout the year by having teachers attend several different professional development sessions, teachers will need to do the following:
If a session meets the minimum five contact hour eligibility and the teacher wants one certificate showing the total number of CEUs awarded for all sessions attended under one session title (e.g. SY16/17 Fall Professional Development), the teacher must pay the CEU fee ($15) for the certificate. However, if the teacher wants a certificate for each session attended, the teacher must pay the CEU fee ($15) per certificated session.