Projects and Research at the Center take on one of two forms: academic/scientific research which seeks to advance understanding and applied/practical research which helps make our world a better place. The latter includes performing geospatial services for a wide variety of sponsors which often provide the basis for student employment.
Academic/Scientific Projects
- Brooks TJ (2016). Automating Feature Extraction From Imagery Sources for the NGA.
- Brooks TJ (2016). Expeditionary Topographic Map Design for the USMC.
- Brooks TJ (2016). Grid-Based Feature Identification for the USMC.
- Brooks TJ (2016). New Pradigms for Geospatial Education, International Effort.
- Brooks TJ (2015). NextGen E-911 Mapping for Union Couty, MS
- Brooks TJ (2015). E-911 Addressing and the US National Grid for Tallahatchie County, MS
- Brooks TJ (2014). Geospatially Enabling Community Collaboration for the GITA.
- Brooks TJ (2013). Re-districting for Bolivar County, MS. Bolivar County Elections Commission.
- Brooks TJ (2013). An Online Map Viewer for Bolivar County. Ellis and Associates.
- Brooks TJ (2013). NextGen E-911 for Sunflower County, MS. Sunflower County.
- Brooks TJ and Boone R. (2013). A State-Wide Hazard Mitigation Update: Infrastructure Interdependencies. Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.
- Brooks TJ (2012). Contracted research and development. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
- Brooks TJ (2012). Web mapping services for the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee District. Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee District.
- Brooks TJ (2012). A letter-sized atlas of US military installations. Department of the Army.
- Brooks TJ (2012). GeoPDF Training. Department of the Army.
- Brooks TJ (2011). Automated feature delineation for topographic map production.
- Brooks TJ (2011). A proposal to create a war-fighter atlas for Afghanistan. Department of the Army.
- Brooks TJ (2011). A spatial database for conservation. National Audubon Society and the Lower Mississippi Conservation Commission.
- Brooks TJ (2011). Implementing the US National Grid. USGS.
- Brooks TJ (2011). Wetlands delineation for topographic map production. USGS.
- Brooks TJ, Austin R, DiSera D, and Samborski R (2011). Geospatially Enabling Community Collaboration (GECCo). US Department of Homeland Security.
- Brooks TJ (2011). Implementing the US National Grid. Indiana Dept. of Homeland Security.
- Brooks TJ (2010). A state-wide atlas for emergency response. Missouri Emergency Management Agency and Missouri Army National Guard.
- Brooks TJ (2010). Towards improved civil-military cooperation: USNG. USGS. $100,000.
- Brooks TJ (2010). A pubic participatory GIS. Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee District.
- Brooks TJ (2010). A hazard mitigation plan for Mississippi. In partnership with Neal-Schaeffer. Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.
- Brooks TJ (2010). A regional GIS for northwestern Mississippi. Three Rivers Planning and Development District.
- Brooks TJ (2009). Implementing geospatial technologies for Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.
- Brooks TJ (2009). Addressing the Greater Jackson area. Central Mississippi Planning and Development District.
- Brooks TJ (2009). An atlas for the National Capital Region. US Dept. of Defense.
- Brooks TJ (2009). Planning for a regional GIS for northwestern Mississippi. Three Rivers Planning and Development Agency.
- Brooks TJ (2008). Technology planning for levee management. Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee District.
- Brooks TJ (2008). Building curriculum for geospatial standards implementation. USGS.
- Brooks TJ (2008). Introducing the US National Grid. USGS.
- Brooks TJ (2008). Improving E-911 services for Attala County, MS.
- Brooks TJ (2008). Improving E-911 services for Madison County, MS.
- Brooks TJ (2008). Use of GIS for tactical situations: Active Shooter Scenario. Mississippi Office of Homeland Security.
- Brooks TJ (2008). Improving E-911 services for Carroll County, MS.
- Brooks TJ (2008). Improving E-911 services for Washington County, MS.
- Brooks TJ (2007). Improving E-911 services for Bolivar County, MS.
Applied/Practical Projects
- Tornado in Jacksonville, AL (2018). Provided onsite support with collecting Initial Damage Assessment by utilizing Survey123.
- Hurricane Harvey & Irma (2017). Created USNG maps and atlases for the Texas coast and Puerto Rico. Maps and atleses were distributed through USGS EROS Data Center.
- Nepal Earthquake (2015). Trained volunteers to work with Humanitarian Open Street Map, opened labs to public wishing to help volunteer.
- Winston County, MS Tornados (2014). Provided imagery analysis support to MEMA.
- Oklahoma Tornados (2013). Provided direct geospatial support and services to TN TF 1 (Smith).
- Hurricane Sandy (2012). Provided direct geospatial support for the Fire Department of New York and to FEMA US&R’s MA TF 1 and OH TF 1.
- Hurricane Isaac (2012). Provided direct geospatial support for Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.
- April 2011 Tornado Outbreak. Provided direct geospatial support for Mississippi Emergency Management.
- 2011 Mississippi River Flood. Provided direct geospatial support to Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee District, FEMA, Mississippi Levee District, and numerous other state and local agencies.
- Tōhoku Tsunami (2011). Created English-language-based USNG base maps and MGRS atlases for CA TF #1 for pre-deployment planning use.
- Haiti Earthquake (2010). Worked with partners to integrate data from CrisisMappers/USHAHIDI, Google/GeoEye, ESRI, Harvard University, and numerous humanitarian relief agencies to create printable letter-sized map products for use in the field. Created approximately 70,000 map sheets in 96 hours. Partnered with USGS for distribution through EROS Data Center.
- Chilean Earthquake (2010). Prepared letter-sized USNG-based maps to support entities deploying to Chile. Partnered with USGS for distribution through EROS Data Center.
- American Samoa Tsunami (2009). Created USNG grids for search and recovery efforts for FEMA.
- Hurricane Dolly (2008). Created USNG maps and atlases for south Texas coast and distributed through USGS EROS Data Center.
- Hurricane Eduardo (2008). Created USNG maps and atlases for the central Texas coast and distributed through USGS EROS Data Center.
- Tropical Storm Fay (2008). Assisted Florida Emergency Management and Mississippi Emergency Management with flood and evacuation mapping tasks, performed flood map analysis tasks on demand.
- Hurricane Gustav (2008). Provided GIS assets and services to Mississippi Emergency Management at the forward command post and state emergency operations center.
- Hurricane Ike (2008). Provided support to a broad spectrum of agencies which including FEMA Urban Search and Rescue (TN TF #1), USGS, CenterPoint Energy, and Texas Emergency Management.
- Tropical Storm Alberto (2006). Assisted Florida Emergency Management with inundation maps.
- Hurricane Katrina (2005). Assisted Mississippi Emergency Management with establishing and using geospatial technologies to respond to and recover from Hurricane Katrina.
- Hurricane Rita (2005). Assisted Bolivar County, MS with damage assessment mapping and provided base maps to neighboring jurisdictions.
- 2004 Tempe Presidential Debate (Bush v. Kerry). Provided 3D modeling for the line of sight analysis, portable GIS enabled devices which tracked field units and allowed them to retrieve building blueprints on demand, and provided a common operational picture to the Incident Command Center (Federal) and the Operations Center (State/Local).
No Out-of-State Fees
USGS and NGA Center of Academic Excellence in Geosciences
Signature Program at Delta State
Talbot J. Brooks, Director
Chris Smith, Program Manager
Mailing Address
GIT Center
Delta State University
Box 3325
Cleveland, MS 38733-3325
Shipping Address
GIT Center
Delta State University
1417 Maple St.
Cleveland, MS 38733
Physical Address
GIT Center
Kethley Hall, Suite E
Delta State University
US National Grid