Can you Handle the Heat?!

Student Union, First Floor Lobby

African-Student Council will be having sign-in sheets for anyone wanting to compete in the "Can you Handle the HEAT?!" contest. The entry fee will be $5 dollars.

Tie it Down

H.L. Nowell Student Union, 2nd Floor West Lobby

A social events that teaches young men how to tie their tie (bow ties and neckties). Along with showing them different designs of how to dress them up.

AASC General Body Meeting

H.L. Nowell Student Union, Room 302A MS

African-American Student Council is having a general body meeting to discuss April and May events!

Canterbury Weekly Gathering

Calvary Episcopal Church

Join Canterbury for a meal followed by prayer and fellowship at 6:00 p.m. on Monday nights.

Fun Battle

H.L. Nowell Student Union, 2nd Floor West Lobby

This is a social event that will be open to DSU students to come for games and entertainment.