Upper Fair (7th – 12th Grade)

2025 Region III Upper Fair Date: February 26, 2025

Once a school has completed their local school fair, they must complete the Student Registration form and all required project forms for any student that will be participating in the Region III Science Fair.  If a school has low participation in the Science Fair, they are allowed to for-go a school or school district fair and send all participants to the Regional Fair, with the permission of their Administration.

Each school has the option to bring 1st – 6th place in each grade (7th – 12th) and each of the 13 science categories.  That means that there is the potential to bring 78 students per grade for your school, if approval is granted by your administration.  The Upper fair is divided into three classes: Class 3 (7th – 8th grades) and Class 4 (9th – 10th grades) and Class 5 (11th – 12th grades).  Each participant will be judged in person against their peers in their class and category.  Follow the steps below to register your school and upper fair students for the Region III Fair.

Participant Fees – Single Entry (1 person) or Team Entry (No more than 2 people are allowed on a team)

Each participant project submission will cost $30.00 per student.   A team project (no more than 2 people) is $30 per team member.  Fees should be turned in by the key teacher, school, or school district for all projects participate from their school.

The $30 per participant must be paid on the due date of project registration for the Upper and Lower Fairs.   Payments may be mailed at Continuing Education, ATTN: Region III Science Fair, 239 Kent Wyatt Hall, Cleveland, MS 38733 OR dropped off at our office location at 239 Kent Wyatt Hall.   If the fee is being paid by the district, you may email the paperwork with the PO# to us at by the paperwork deadline.   You, as the key teacher, are responsible for making sure the district receives the invoice for payment and that the check is cut and mailed to our office.

Project registration is not completed until participation fee of $30.00 is received.

Project Type

The Upper fair participants are allowed to use a tri-fold board for their science fair project.  The board must be 32” to 48” wide and 28” to 72” in height.

Required Forms for Upper (7th-12th grade) Student Registration

The required forms for Upper (7th – 12th grade) Fair are:

  • Typed Abstract saved as Word or PDF document and uploaded to the Student Registration Form
  • Form 1, 1A, and 1B completed and uploaded to the Student Registration Form
  • Electronic Student Registration Form
  • Additional Forms that may be required depending on your project are:
    • Form 1C Regulated Research Form
    • Form 2 Qualified Scientist
    • Form 3 Risk Assessment
    • Form 4 Human Participant
    • Form 5A Vertebrate Animal
    • Form 5B Vertebrate Animal at Regulated Research Institution
    • Form 6A Hazardous Biological Agent
    • Form 6B Human and Vertebrate Tissue
    • Form 7 Continuation Project Form

*If these forms are needed based on your project information, they should be completed and uploaded to the Student Registration Form.

Step 1: School Registration (Due November 11, 2024)

Each school must submit a school registration form to the Region III office no later than November 11, 2024 to secure your schools attendance at the Upper Region III Fair. The School Information page, SRC Committee page, and IRB Committee page must be completed properly in order for Region III to accept the forms. School registration forms should be completed electronically by clicking the link below. No paper forms will be accepted.

Step 2: Abstract (due with Student Registration Form on Wednesday, January 15, 2025)

The student abstract should be typed in a word document and uploaded to the Student Registration Form, below, before submitting. Please type the abstract and save to your computer to be uploaded to the Student Registration form at the time of submission.

The student abstract should meet the following qualifications:

  • 25-250 words long
  • typed on word document and either submitted as word or PDF
  • 12 point font in Times New Roman, single spaced.

The abstract should include the following information:

  • Participants name, school, grade, category number, and project title at the top
  • purpose of the experiment
  • procedure
  • data
  • conclusion

*Handwritten abstracts WILL NOT be accepted!  All abstracts must be typed for submission.

Step 3: Required Forms (due Wednesday, January 15, 2025)

Please complete the required forms below, save to your device and submit by uploading to the Student Registration Form below.

Step 4: Additional Forms based on your project (due Wednesday, January 15, 2025)

Participants are required to submit the following forms if their project falls under any details pertaining to the form.  See descriptions of when each form is needed at the top of the individual form.  If needed, the form(s) should be completed and uploaded to the Student Registration Form below.

Step 5: Student Registration Paperwork (Due Wednesday, January 15, 2025)

An Electronic Student Registration Form must be submitted to participate in the Region III Science Fairs.  Please complete the electronic form below, attaching the abstract to the form before submission, and submit the form no later than the deadline above.

Paper submission forms WILL NOT be accepted!

Step 6: Payment per participant (PO due Wednesday, January 15, 2025. If no PO, payment is due same day)

Once you are have submitted the abstract, student registration, and all other required or as needed forms through the electronic system, you must submit payment of $30 per participant.  Payment must be turned in (check or cash) to DSU Continuing Education, ATTN: Region III Science Fair, 239 Kent Wyatt Hall, Cleveland, MS 38733.   You may also drop payment off at our office at 239 Kent Wyatt Hall.  If the school or district is paying for participants, we MUST have a PO with the PO # at the top turned it at the same time you submit your student registration forms.  This can be emailed to 

Step 7: Process after submission

Once all student registration forms and all additional forms are submitted from your school, please email our office to verify the number of applications you submitted so that we can make sure all were submitted properly.  You will receive a Verification form and Invoice from our office that must be handled in a timely manner.  It is the key teacher’s responsibility to pass the invoice to the payment office for processing.  PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE FAIR DAY!!!!


*DSU COVID Policy does not require mask or social distancing during this time.  All participants, judges, administrators and teachers WILL BE REQUIRED to follow DSU COVID PROTOCOLS at all times during the Face to Face Regional Fairs on February 26 and March 26.   Everyone must understand that these guidelines can change at any time before the event.