I love my job and Delta State is my life. Working with students inside and outside the classroom is my favorite part of my job.

Rose StrahanWhen I came to Delta State University as an instructor in mathematics 37 years ago, I had no idea that I would stay for a long time and certainly never dreamed that I would one day be chair of the mathematics department. Even now as I look back over the years I have difficulty realizing that I have been chair of the department for 27 of the years that I have been here.

I am frequently asked why I do not retire as I have so many years in the retirement system. There is a very simple reason—I love my job and Delta State is my life. Working with students inside and outside the classroom is my favorite part of my job. Over the years I have seen so many DSU graduates become outstanding in their chosen field. I am always delighted to hear from former students and to see them as they return to campus to visit. I can think of no other job that would give me the opportunity to have contact with so many young men and women and, hopefully, have a positive influence on some of those as they prepare for a career.

Another aspect of DSU that is a big part of my life is the athletic programs. I have always enjoyed watching sporting events; however, being a part of DSU sports is special. For me it is like being a part of a big family as we support athletes in their chosen activity and in all aspects of their college life. I am frequently asked to name my favorite sport. My answer is always the same—whatever DSU sport is in season at the time. Summers are difficult as there is no sport in season at the time; however, summer is the time to look forward to the beginning of football season and to hear about new students who will come to DSU to participate in other sports as well.

What would life be like without DSU? I cannot imagine! It is so rewarding to be involved with faculty, staff, administrators, and students who are all working together to make DSU the best regional university.